If you want to compile Computree from the source code, here is the procedure to follow.


On your system, the following must be installed:

A C++ compiler

On Windows, you must install the Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 64-bit C++ compiler (MSVC2022 ), available in Visual Studio Community. You must choose the Desktop Development component in C++, by activating at least:

  • Windows 11 SDK (10.xxx)
  • MSVC v143 – VS 2022 C++

On Linux, the GCC compiler (version >= 9.3) is normally already available by default. Otherwise, install it with the command:

sudo apt-get install build-essential

On MacOS X, you must install Apple Xcode, then the development tools by launching from a terminal:

command xcode-select --install

QtCreator and Qt

You must install Qt version 5.15.2, available in open-source version here

A Subversion Client (SVN)

You must install a Subversion client (SVN), such as:

  • TortoiseSVN on Windows
  • or the subversion package on Linux or MacOS X:
sudo apt install subversion

Retrieving source codes

To set up the Computree development environment, you must first create a root folder for Computree, classically named "computree" (but this name is free). It is in this folder that the source code repositories of the platform and its plugins will be retrieved.

To retrieve the source codes of the platform and plugins distributed as standard (SVN checkout), you must execute, in the computree root folder, the following commands:

    svn checkout https://rdinnovation.onf.fr/svn/computreev6/ computreev6
    svn checkout https://rdinnovation.onf.fr/svn/plugin-onf/dev_v6/ pluginonf
    svn checkout https://rdinnovation.onf.fr/svn/plugin-mk/dev_v6/ pluginmk
    svn checkout https://rdinnovation.onf.fr/svn/plugin-toolkit/dev_v6/ plugintoolkit
    svn checkout https://rdinnovation.onf.fr/svn/segma/dev_v6/ pluginsegma
    svn checkout https://rdinnovation.onf.fr/svn/plugin-generate/dev_v6/ plugingenerate
    svn checkout https://rdinnovation.onf.fr/svn/plugin-onf-dev/dev_v6/ pluginonfdev
    svn checkout https://rdinnovation.onf.fr/svn/plugin-ign-lif/dev_v6/ pluginignlif

This will create a main computreev6 subfolder containing all the core elements of the platform. This folder should not be renamed. Then a subfolder is created for each Computree plugin. Only the computreev6 deposit is strictly essential. The other repositories to retrieve depend on the plugins you want to compile.

You must then run the script create_plugins_pro.bat (on Windows) or create_plugins_pro.sh (on Linux or MacOS X), located in the computree/computreev6 folder. This script creates the Qt project file plugins.pro that will be used for compilation.

N.B. : At this stage (or later in QtCreator), you can remove (by commenting the corresponding lines) or add plugin folders to compile in the plugins.pro file created.

Installing dependencies

On Windows, the installation of dependencies is based on VCPKG.

Installation of VCPKG

  • Download the 2024.12.16 version (source code) of VCPKG here.
  • Unpack the archive into a dedicated permanent folder (for example c:/vcpkg)
  • In this folder, double-click on bootstrap-vcpkg.bat to run it
  • Add the following environment variables (in the start menu, search for Edit System Environment Variables, then click on the Environment Variables button):
    • Add a line to the PATH, containing the path to the vcpkg folder (for example c:/vcpkg)
    • Create a new variable VCPKG, containing the path to the package folder installed by vcpkg (for example c:/vcpkg/installed/x64-windows)

Downloading and compiling dependencies: in a terminal (search for CMD in the start menu), run the following commands:

vcpkg install eigen3 --clean-after-build --triplet x64-windows
vcpkg install muparser --clean-after-build --triplet x64-windows
vcpkg install opencv --clean-after-build --triplet x64-windows
vcpkg install opengl --clean-after-build --triplet x64-windows
vcpkg install laszip --clean-after-build --triplet x64-windows
vcpkg install nanoflann --clean-after-build --triplet x64-windows
vcpkg install gsl --clean-after-build --triplet x64-windows
vcpkg install boost --clean-after-build --triplet x64-windows
vcpkg install flann --clean-after-build --triplet x64-windows
vcpkg install qhull --clean-after-build --triplet x64-windows
vcpkg install pcl --clean-after-build --triplet x64-windows
vcpkg install gdal --clean-after-build --triplet x64-windows --recurse
vcpkg install pdal --clean-after-build --triplet x64-windows

Note: All dependencies are downloaded and compiled. This can take a long time (potentially several hours).


On Linux, the following packages must be installed :

sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
sudo apt install libmuparser-dev
sudo apt install libgdal-dev gdal-bin
sudo apt install libopencv-dev python3-opencv
sudo apt install libpcl-dev
sudo apt install libboost-all-dev
sudo apt install libgsl-dev gsl-bin
sudo apt install libqhull-dev
sudo apt install libflann-dev
sudo apt install liblaszip-dev


On MacOS X, you must install Brew and then install the following packages:

brew install eigen
brew install muparser
brew install gdal
brew install opencv
brew install pcl
brew install boost
brew install gsl
brew install qhull
brew install flann
brew install laszip

Configuring the Qt project and compiling

The first step is to open the computree.pro file, located in computree/computreev6, in QtCreator. At the opening QtCreator proposes to configure the project : you have to choose the right version of Qt and the compiler, ie Qt 5.15.2 and, under Windows, take the version MSVC 2022 64bits

You must then go to the Project tab of QtCreator to configure the compilation options:

  1. Uncheck "Shadow Build" for Debug mode and for Release mode
  2. Leave Release mode selected
  3. In the Run configuration (left) add a step of the type "Make", and with the argument "install"
  4. On Windows, in the Run configuration (left), Environment section, add the path to vcpkg/installed/x64-windows/bin in Path variable (using the Append button).

Finally, go back to the Edit tab and:

  1. Right-click on the computree.pro project, and click Run Qmake
  2. Launch compilation, with the Hammer button at the bottom left (or right click, Compilation)
  3. Once the compilation is complete, launch Computree, using the Play button.

N.B. : Later, if major changes have taken place in the source code, it may be necessary to redo a Run Qmake and then Recompile on the computree.pro project. This manipulation is to be tried if problems begin to occur just after an update of the source code (SVN update).